Daunt Books, Cheapside
Huguenot Books
There are lots of books about the Huguenots, both fact based and novels. Here are a selection of them. The links below will go to a search for Huguenot on each of the websites.
- Daunt Books Cheapside
- Bookshop.org (supporting independent bookshops)
- Waterstones
- Amazon (also has e-books)
To help with research

- Robin Gwynn: Huguenot Heritage – Second Revised Edition
- Robin Gwynn: The Huguenots of London
- JB Cottret: The Huguenots in England Immigration and Settlement C1550-1700)
- Owen Stanwood: The Global Refuge: Huguenots in an Age of Empire
- Charles Rivers Editors: The Huguenot: The History and Legacy of the French Protestants and Their Religious Conflicts with the Catholics
- Raymond Hylton: Irelands Huguenots and Their Refuge: An Unlikely Haven
- William Kingston: Exiled for Faith: A tale of the Huguenot Persecution
- Christopher Hartop: Huguenot Legacy: English Silver 1680-1760
- Kathy Chater: Tracing your Huguenot Ancestors: A guide for Family Historians
- Joyce Hampton: the Story of the Huguenots: A Unique Legacy
- Geoffrey Treasure: The Huguenots
- Dan Cruickshank: Spitalfields; The History of a Nation in a handful of Streets

- Kate Moss: Burning Chambers
- CD Force: Flight from Terror
- Tessa Murdoch: The Quiet Conquest
- Nancy Bilyeau: The Blue
- Liz Trenow: The Silk Weaver
- Arthur Conan Doyle: The Refugees: A Tale of the Huguenot Persecution
- Philip Mansell: Louis XIV
- Jean Marteilhe : Galley Slave
The Huguenot Connection Trilogy: Paul C.R. Monk
- Merchants of Virtue
- Voyage of Malice
- Land of Hope
Any other recommendations?
If there are any other Huguenot books you would like to recommend please drop us a line.